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Media, Self, Society, and this Project

This was made for the University of Maryland's Media, Self, and Society Scholars program. The program searches to connect the impact of media on our lives, including our identities and our actions.



This project discusses how social media has played an effect on the development of different generations, including their lives, identities, values, and behaviors

The Internet was released in the late 20th century, and with it came social media, so a large portion of today's society did not experience social media during their childhood, while the children of today have never known a world without it. Each generation has certain particular characteristics that they are known for, so how has social media, including social media as a news source, had an impact on the development of the identities of each generation?



Find full sources in "References"

1: History of Social Media Source: (Ahmed, I)

2: Generation cutoffs are disputed at times but based on Source: (Durfy, L)

3: Many factors influencing identities are developed at a young age, Source: (Worthman,

4: Characteristics were based on studies and survey analysis done by Source: (Mencl, Jennifer, and Scott Lester)

5: Descriptions and historical reasoning was determined through surveys done by: (Gibson, Jane W,

6: Characteristics and historical reasoning explained in Source: (Bolton, Ruth N,

7: Characteristics and reasoning described by, Source: (Talmon, G)

8: Reasoning and Analysis influenced by, Source: (Wharton)

9: Data from a PewResearch study, Source: (Shearer, E)

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