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Ahmad, Irfan. “The History of Social Media [Infographic.” Social Media Today, 27 Apr. 2018,

Bolton, Ruth N, et al. “Understanding Generation Y and Their Use of Social Media: A Review and Research Agenda.” ResearchGate, Journal of Service Management , 24 (2013): 245-267,

Durfy, Lauren. “Social Media for Every Generation.” PostBeyond, PostBeyond, 19 Sept. 2019,

Gibson, Jane W, et al. “View of Generational Differences In The Workplace: Personal Values, Behaviors, And Popular Beliefs.” Clute Institute, Journal of Diversity Management , 4.3 (2009): 1-8,

Mencl, Jennifer, and Scott Lester. “More Alike Than Different: What Generations Value and How the Values Affect Employee Workplace Perceptions.”, ResearchGate, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21.3 (2014): 257-272.

“Six Degrees Logo.” Economic Times, 28 May 2017,

Shearer, Elisa. “Social Media Outpaces Print Newspapers in the U.S. as a News Source." Pew Research Center, 27 Aug. 2020,

“Social Media Logos.” MarketingLand, 2021,

Talmon, Geoffrey A. “Generation Z: What's Next?” SpringerLink, Medical Science Educator, 29.1 (2019), 9-11

Wharton, “The Impact of Social Media: Is It Irreplaceable?” Knowledge@Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton, 26 July 2019,


Worthman, Carol M, et al. “When Can Parents Most Influence Their Child's Development? Expert Knowledge and Perceived Local Realities.” National Institutes of Health, Social Science & Medicine, 154 (2016): 62-69.,


Find full sources in "References"

1: History of Social Media Source: (Ahmed, I)

2: Generation cutoffs are disputed at times but based on Source: (Durfy, L)

3: Many factors influencing identities are developed at a young age, Source: (Worthman,

4: Characteristics were based on studies and survey analysis done by Source: (Mencl, Jennifer, and Scott Lester)

5: Descriptions and historical reasoning was determined through surveys done by: (Gibson, Jane W,

6: Characteristics and historical reasoning explained in Source: (Bolton, Ruth N,

7: Characteristics and reasoning described by, Source: (Talmon, G)

8: Reasoning and Analysis influenced by, Source: (Wharton)

9: Data from a PewResearch study, Source: (Shearer, E)

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